The third Wild Side of Wine adventure takes us to the southern hemisphere. South African wine conjures images of picture-perfect winelands – but also a painful past. In this eye-opening mini-series, Peter Richards MW explores a country not shying away from its history but actively re-discovering its own identity, where wine offers not only salutary lessons but also hope for a brighter, more inclusive future. Brace yourselves for adventure, poetry, drama, inspiring people and captivating stories – not to mention delicious wine. On his travels, Peter fails at surfing, discovers a little-known connection between wine and Nelson Mandela, encounters all kinds of wildlife, tries his hand at welding and plays the marimba in frenzied fashion. Peter’s itinerary takes in significant locations from Robben Island to Company Gardens via Langa Township, Constantia, Kalk Bay, the Jakes Gerwel School, Weltevrede, Spier, Villiera, The Township Winery and The Wine Arc. The series stars wine luminaries from Carmen Stevens to Eben Sadie, Duncan Savage and superstar Zim somm turned wine producer Tinashe Nyamudoka. Not to mention performance poet Khadija Tracey Heeger. A WineMasters.TV production – see for the full programmes or more information.