November 24, 2015
WritingSusie Barrie MW
Spittoons: a video
It's not pretty, but it is clever: Susie on spitting wine...
It's not pretty, but it is clever: Susie on spitting wine...
Susie & Peter launch their new season Mercure wines...
Peter's guide on how to serve your wine at the right temperature...
Runners and riders from a Cheltenham themed wine VT...
Cathedrals, samosas, Rioja, Riesling - and beef pudding...
Wine on ice with Greco and sweet Sauvignon...
A spiced-up show packing a real flavour punch...
Our new partnership goes live with fab wines...
Susie & Peter on stage at the BBC Good Food Shows...
Susie & Peter team up for the New Year's Eve show...