April 2, 2012
Peter Richards MW
Saturday Kitchen 31.3
Bargain wines for sea bass and spicy shepherd's pie, March 2012...
Bargain wines for sea bass and spicy shepherd's pie, March 2012...
Beautiful budget beaters from The Wine Society...
Come and see Peter at the Spring 2012 show in Kent...
Susie's finds wines for Brummie brill & Norfolk wagyu...
Cabbage ketchup, rice-less risotto, tunes by Chris Isaak...
Thoughts on tasting Mouton '61 and other fine wines...
Our first joint appearance on BBC1, filmed in Winchester...
Susie on wine duty for Jason Atherton + Aggi Sverrisson...
'Proper stuff, this!' James Martin gets excited about Sauvignon Blanc...
Susie prancing around in army gear for the BBC1 show...