April 11, 2013
Peter Richards MW
Saturday Kitchen 6.4
Warships, RIBs (non-edible) and some more fab grub...
Warships, RIBs (non-edible) and some more fab grub...
Peter chooses his 10 most exciting Chilean producers for Decanter ...
Peter is upstaged by his mum in this special edition...
Too drunk to ruck: choosing wines from Twickenham (soberly)...
New wave wines at the SRE South American workshop...
Close calls and fine wines at the trade vs press Varsity anniversary taste-off...
Susie talks wine with HRH The Duchess of Cornwall...
On haggis (& moss) in Horsham for Nick Nairn & Magnus Nilsson...
Life-saving wines for Adam Byatt & Peter Lloyd...