March 14, 2012
Susie Barrie MW
Saturday Kitchen 10.3
Susie's finds wines for Brummie brill & Norfolk wagyu...
Susie's finds wines for Brummie brill & Norfolk wagyu...
Cabbage ketchup, rice-less risotto, tunes by Chris Isaak...
Thoughts on tasting Mouton '61 and other fine wines...
Our first joint appearance on BBC1, filmed in Winchester...
Susie on wine duty for Jason Atherton + Aggi Sverrisson...
A flying visit to taste 45 top wines - and the verdict is...
'Proper stuff, this!' James Martin gets excited about Sauvignon Blanc...
Susie prancing around in army gear for the BBC1 show...
Fab recipes with matching wines - an exciting new joint venture is announced...